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Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 5 Aunt Shirleys

Well today was the final day of having the kids. I can't believe the week went by so fast. Being that it is now Thursday night I can look back at the week and say that I had a fabulous time. So here is what we did today, being that it was the last day it was pretty low key.
Once we were up it was eat breakfast, get dresses and head out shopping for Grandma. She wanted me to pick up a few things for Brennetts birthday. So I took the kids to Once Upon a Child where Serenity and Logan went crazy with all the clothes and toys. We were able to pick up a few things for their little brother, with their help of course. Also we picked out an outfit for each of them to wear home tomorrow.
Once done there we had to make a quick stop at Target and then off to Shawn's house to get my golf clubs (can't wait Joe, are you ready?) and some halibut for you dad and mom. While we were there the kids wanted to meet the dogs Pedro and Duchess. They only got to meet Pedro due to the fact that Duchess isn't exactly friendly to new people. While Pedro is the smaller of the tow he isn't the friendliest to little kids.

Once Pedro got a bit use to the kids and once they had petted him we thought that he was OK around them. He was just sitting there on the couch when Logan went to take a toy he had put next to him. Pedro started barking at Logan so he ran away from him, well Pedro the little bugger jumped up and nipped him in the leg. Logan just looked at him and called him a bad dog. He didn't cry and he wasn't even scared of Pedro after that. I can't say he was even really upset. So now he has a little nip mark on he leg.

So after that it was time to go to Aunt Shirley's house. On the ride over auntie got to listen to the Disney channel again. Yeah me!! I can't wait for the ride up north tomorrow. Shirley was so happy to see us and cousin Chelsae was there to help keep the kids entertained. Shirley's dog Dixie was there and Logan couldn't wait to play with her. Shirley had cold meat, tuna salad, chips and fruit for lunch. Once the food was ate we let the kids play while I got to catch up with Shirley. While we talked both Serenity and Logan got a hold of the camera and took a bunch a pictures. We stayed there for many hours talking and playing. They even got to play on Rogers organ in the living room. Finally it was time to head home so Shirley could get some sleep before work.

On the way home both kids fell asleep in the car. So when we got home, I had to wake them up to get them in the house. The kids sat and watched Fern Gully while I wrapped Brennett's presents and made hamburgers for dinner. We had dinner out on the deck again and then it was bath time for the kids.

I put bubble bath and fizzes in the water for them and they had a wonderful time cleaning up that way. Don't worry guys I put those plugs in Logan's ears so he didn't get water in them.

With both kids cleaned and PJ's up we put in Beauty and the Beast and they watched that while I packed and loaded up the truck. Finally it was time for bed and they went to sleep with minimal fuss.

So now tomorrow will be get up to eat and then off to home. Can't wait to see you guys and the kids are super excited to see dad and mom. So until I see you tomorrow Good Night.
Auntie Diane

P.S.Sorry about the pictures, I can't move them right now. I will later.

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