Como Zoo

Como Town

Beach & Park

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day 3: To the Beach

I thought Logan was bad the night before but Serenity beat me up last night. I have never slept next to a kid that kicked, punched and rolled like her. I think I had about 15 elbow jabs to the head and twice as many kicks to the back. I would take Logan next to me if I had a choice but I guess it is only for one more night with her. I really wish I still had my king size bed. At least then I could get away, well maybe.

So today was beach/park day. Once awake and fed, we started off by stopping at the local grocery store to pick up some fried chicken for our picnic lunch at the park. Thankfully it was on the way because this chicken is to die for! Once that was loaded into the picnic cooler we were off to find the park.

One of the women that I work with suggested that I take the kids to the beach on Medicine Lake and then later bring them to the park/playground that is also there. I so want to give Lynne a ginormous hug for this suggestion. It was perfect. When we got to the beach it wasn't too terribly crowded and once it the water we found out that it wasn't very deep either. It never went above my hips, and that was the deep part of the swimming area. The kids had a blast swimming and splashing. We were past the second roped area and they thought that was so cool because they were in the deep area. Serenity wanted me to help her with her floating on her back while Logan was content to flop face first in the water all day long. I remember to pack a towel for the kids but for some reason I dodn't grab one for myself.

After about and hour 1/2 we decided to go back to the truck and drive over to the park/playground for lunch. Once there I loaded the kids down with blankets, backpacks and me with the cooler we walked over to a picnic table. The fare was simple, salads, chicken, fruit and a pop (left over from the fay before). Serenity had a huge salad while Logan had three pieces of chicken. Something I will regret a little later.

Finally the food was gone and the kids took off for the playground. OMG this place was ginormous!! It really was. I wanted to play on it. This pictures are only a small portion of what it looks like. The kids played there for hours, while I sat around taking pictures and getting a little sun. Between the nets and the slides I thought I would never get the kids away, but the lure of going for another swim eventually tempted them away.

Back at the beach it was more splashing and swimming, only this time it was somersaults, back flips and handstands that were being taught. Even Logan got in on the fun. Then came the kid toss, they LOVED that so much I was the one who had to call a stop to it. I am not use to throwing small children around in the water.

Then it happened, Logan wanted me to spin him in the water. OK no big deal, he says his dad does it all the time (thanks a lot Joe). So I grab him and we spin in the water, going around until I almost get too dizzy to stand up. I toss Logan in to the water and then grab Serenity for her turn. While I was spinning her Logan went under and swallowed a bunch of water. He came up to me and said he was done and wanted to go to shallower water. Thank god we didn't get there. Before we had went three feet the puke came, and it came for sometime. I count myself lucky that: 1)He didn't puke on me, 2)I was on right side of him up wind so it all went in the opposite direction and 3) Know one else at the beach saw it. Once that was done and over with he rallied like a trooper and we stayed for another hour.

Finally we decided to head out and go home where we had spaghetti and garlic bread, which they both had two helpings of. With a quick call to mom and dad we were ready to head out to the sidewalk and do some painting. The kids really go a kick out of painting on the sidewalk and not getting in trouble over it. Once that was done and drying we were off for our daily walk then back again for the movie. This time at least it was Harry Potter. We had a little problem with Logan getting home sick and wanting his daddy but we got him settled down and once Shawn showed up after work he was back to being his normal self.

They have had a busy few days, but are ready for more fun things to do tomorrow. Kung Fu Panda is on the agenda so we will let you know how that goes. Night!

Auntie Diane

1 comment:

de-ranged mom said...

Once again the pictures are fab...the kids look like they are having a lot of fun. What do you mean by (spin them in water)? I don't ever do that, so you have been conned...heh heh. We are so happy that you three are having a great time. I can't wait to hear all about the movie. How did it go with Harry Potter? Tell the kids we love and miss them. We look forward to seeing them this Friday. Love Mom and Dad