Como Zoo

Como Town

Beach & Park

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Day 1: The Kids Are Here

Here we go, the first day and boy are they ready to go. We did a lot of meeting and greeting of the neighbors along with Norman the next door dog. Boy did they like him. Even if he is deaf and partially blind. We basically go a chance to acclimate ourselves to each other and then just decided to chill here for the rest of the day.

The kids say Lois my neighbor taking Norman for a walk so they thought it would be a good idea to follow. We never did catch up to them but it was nice to get out and show them the trail by the place.

After the walk the Little Mermaid went into the DVD player and we sat down to color and watch. Hey it gets really exciting when she turns into a human and when Serenity sings along with the music. That girl has a pretty nice voice.

Of course the inevitable question was posed, "Where's Shawn?" I have heard that so many times in my life. I was also wondering when he was going to get there. The Natives were getting HUNGRY and they wanted something to eat. I made the command decision to make some sausage and then when the Great Shawn hadn't shown yet we sat down in the sun room and had dinner.

After dinner the great outdoors or basically the front yard here at the house, called us. We found a plastic baseball and a game of catch in sued. That Logan has a heck of an arm when he throws it straight, it has some speed to it also. He does have to work on is catching but once Shawn showed up it was GAME ON!

It was fun just tossing the ball around and having a mellow day. No worries or troubles. Once Shawn showed up I kinda became obsolete for catch, but that gave me sometime to take a few pictures. We did this for sometime but Shawn was getting a little hungry so we went in and settled down for more Little Mermaid and Jelly Bellies.

Once Shawn was done with his dinner and the kids were full of the Jelly's we decided to go grocery shopping. Unfortually right before we left the police, a fire truck and and ambulance showed up next door to my neighbors house. I guess there newborn had a really high fever and the called 911. The baby was fine and they took her to the hospital by themselves. So now on the Cub Foods.

Now I have never went shopping with kids before so I wanted Shawn with to help keep an eye on them with me. Well my first big mistake was taking them on a Sunday afternoon. what was I thinking. That place was like Grand Central Station. Still we hit the fruit and vegetable isles first. They wanted strawberries, blueberries, pineapple and watermelon. I said no to the cantaloupe and grapes. I figured we can always go back.

Logan had to have his special milk so we picked some of that up but totally forgot to pick up my milk. Oh well I guess we really need to stop again this week. I did realize I should have planned a little as to what we were going to eat for the week. So it is to be taco salad, spaghetti and hot dogs. Can't wait!!! The grocery shopping didn't take too long and then back to the house we went.

Once all the groceries were in the house and put away we all took a walk to the near by park where the kids could play around until dark. They went on the slides and the swings and the monkey bars and then played with the scoop. Along the way they saw about a million planes and a ton of squirrels and don't forget the bunnies hopping around everywhere. It was a great time.

Finally it was time to head home where they each got a granola bar and some strawberries and blueberries all the while watching Cinderella!! When that was over it was time to brush your teeth and crawl into bed, along with a few of Aunties Stuffed Animals.
So until tomorrow enjoy.
Auntie Diane


de-ranged mom said...

Glad the kids got there ok. Hope you guys have a great time ,don't let them run you to ragged. Tell them we said hi and we love them. The pics are great. Glad to see you are doing good. Have Renny tell you about the excitment she had at grandma and granpa's with the fire trucks. Love you all

sulli said...

Hello Auntie Diane... Im cousin Sarah. Looks like the kids are having a ton of fun! I hope they dont wear you out too much, they are full of energy! Thanks for letting me peek in and check out the kids... That renny sure is a beauting and Logan is growing so fast... such a handsome guy! Have fun!

Duckie said...

Glad you are all enjoying this. I have to say if the kids don't run me ragged this blog just might. Night!