Como Zoo

Como Town

Beach & Park

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Day 3 Park and Swim

This was the day they have been asking about all week. When are we going swimming, what day, are we going? It had been a constant questions about the swim day. So today they woke me up with are we going swimming today? Don't we have to be meeting Kylah soon. So we got up and had a bowl of cereal for breakfast and I packed for the day. Fruit, sandwiches, water, chips and of course the cupcakes we made last night were packed into the picnic cooler, water toys, towels and of course the kids.
So off we went to meet Kylah and her kids, Lauren, Ericka and Ethan at the park. We had to make a stop at Walgreen's for Logan's ear plugs since his parents couldn't find any. So then we were walking out to the truck and I noticed that they had on their flip flops which they can;'t wear in the park without them falling off. So we had to head back to the house to get their other shoes so by the time we got there we were 30 mins late. No big deal the kids ran off to play in the park and Kylah and I got to visit. Something we haven't got to do in ages.

Logan playing in the dirt
So the kids played until Kylah's started to get a little fussy so she had to take off. That was OK because Logan and Serenity were getting hungry and it was close to lunch time. Yet again I pulled out the picnic cooler and we had our sandwiches and chips. A good old fashion picnic.
Serenity and her chips
So after lunch it was back to the park until all of our stomachs had settled. They kept pestering me about when we were going swimming but I made them wait for a while.
Serenity digging in the dirt

Serenity running in the park

Logan looking for Serenity

There she is

Can you pick out Serenity and Logan?

I still want to play here
When is adult play time?

So finally the time had come to get the suits on and head out to ht e beach. The kids raced to the bathrooms to change and then we were off to meet the shuttle to take us to the beach. Once there they ran off to the water. They had a blast between swimming, playing in the sand and having me throw them into the water. There was no spinning this year so we didn't have any puking.
Playing with the boats

Say cheese!

Filling up the boats with sand

It floats better in the water than the sand

Getting ready to head home

It was a little chilly
So after the beach we headed back to the truck courtesy of the shuttle but they weren't ready to go home yet so we went back to the park and had a little more food then they ran around for another hour. By that time they were ready to go home so we loaded up the truck and headed home. Once there it was outside for the kids while I got supper ready. It was steak, mashed potato's and corn. Serenity was the first one done out of the two kids which was a first for her. Now we are sitting her watching Sleeping Beauty then it is off to bed. Tomorrow bring us to Aunt Shirley's and G-Force with cousin Chelsea. So for not I say good night and talk to you tomorrow.
Auntie Diane

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