After awhile Shirley went to pick up Chelsae, who was going with us later to the movie, and that gave Serenity and Logan to show me what they had been practicing on the organ. One danced and sang while the other banged out a tune. It was pretty cute watching them bop and jam to the music in the heads. Logan sang about a Dragon that wanted to eat potato's and Serenity sang about sunshine and a mean girl all while doing an Irish river dance.
Como Zoo
Como Town
Beach & Park
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Day 4 Dinner with Aunt Shirley and a Movie
Well today was movie day and boy did we have fun. Once we were up for the morning and fed we headed out the Blaine to go see my Aunt Shirley and visit her until the movie. We got there around 10:00 and immediately the kids ran off to play on the organ in her living room. They pounded and tapped out beats that only a mother, (or aunt) could love. While they snag, danced and played Shirley and I visited and caught up with each other. When they were bored with that Shirley brought out a bucket of crayons/marker and coloring books for the kids so we got to keep talking while they colored, keeping them busy is a full time job.
After awhile Shirley went to pick up Chelsae, who was going with us later to the movie, and that gave Serenity and Logan to show me what they had been practicing on the organ. One danced and sang while the other banged out a tune. It was pretty cute watching them bop and jam to the music in the heads. Logan sang about a Dragon that wanted to eat potato's and Serenity sang about sunshine and a mean girl all while doing an Irish river dance.
Once Shirley and Chelsea got back it was time to make lunch so we could get to the movie on time. While the kids went outside to play with Dixie and Chelsea, Shirley and I set out the fixings for sandwiches, cucumber salad, fresh beans, grapes and chips. Once set we sat down and had a nice lunch with family. After lunch we sent the kids outside again and enjoyed some more quite time to visit. A little before we left for the movie I pulled out the cupcakes we had made so we could all enjoy them. Then before we knew it it was time to head out for the movie.
Once at the movie, G-Force 3D, I had to explain to the kids that the glasses we got were for the movie and it would make things jump out from the screen. With the last preview done we put on our glasses and got ready for the show. The kids were excited with the first image to come out at them and that was just a count down for the movie. All through the movie they thought that it was so cool to wear glasses, even thought Logan's were a little too big for them. We made it thought the whole movie without a single bathroom break, which I was very proud of them for.
Once the movie was over we went to drop Chelsea off at home which was just around the corner. Unfortunately Chelsea forgot her key and her parents were not home yet. SO we had to run back to Shirley's house and pick up her key, which took awhile because she was sleeping. Once we had her key it was back to Chelsea's house to drop her off.
Finally we were home again but we had no idea as to what to make for supper. I solved that by ordering pizza and within an hour we were sitting down to eat and watch Beauty and the Beast. after that being that it was still early they wanted to watch Lady and the Tramp and being that it was only 8:30 i figured why not. By 10:00 I figured that they would be tired, nope they wanted to stay up until midnight. We compromised by me letting them watch Beverly Hills Chihuahua in bed, where I thought they would fall asleep, I figured wrong, The movie just ended about 5 mins ago and they are still awake. Oh well they should sleep really good tomorrow night which is good for me.
So tomorrow is the last day and if it doesn't rain we head to Como Zoo/Como Town for the day with Misty and Jacob. I can;t believe the week has went by so fast but it has been tons of fun for me and them. So until tomorrow night, Good Night.
Auntie Diane
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Day 3 Park and Swim
This was the day they have been asking about all week. When are we going swimming, what day, are we going? It had been a constant questions about the swim day. So today they woke me up with are we going swimming today? Don't we have to be meeting Kylah soon. So we got up and had a bowl of cereal for breakfast and I packed for the day. Fruit, sandwiches, water, chips and of course the cupcakes we made last night were packed into the picnic cooler, water toys, towels and of course the kids.
So off we went to meet Kylah and her kids, Lauren, Ericka and Ethan at the park. We had to make a stop at Walgreen's for Logan's ear plugs since his parents couldn't find any. So then we were walking out to the truck and I noticed that they had on their flip flops which they can;'t wear in the park without them falling off. So we had to head back to the house to get their other shoes so by the time we got there we were 30 mins late. No big deal the kids ran off to play in the park and Kylah and I got to visit. Something we haven't got to do in ages.
So the kids played until Kylah's started to get a little fussy so she had to take off. That was OK because Logan and Serenity were getting hungry and it was close to lunch time. Yet again I pulled out the picnic cooler and we had our sandwiches and chips. A good old fashion picnic.
So after lunch it was back to the park until all of our stomachs had settled. They kept pestering me about when we were going swimming but I made them wait for a while.
So finally the time had come to get the suits on and head out to ht e beach. The kids raced to the bathrooms to change and then we were off to meet the shuttle to take us to the beach. Once there they ran off to the water. They had a blast between swimming, playing in the sand and having me throw them into the water. There was no spinning this year so we didn't have any puking.
So after the beach we headed back to the truck courtesy of the shuttle but they weren't ready to go home yet so we went back to the park and had a little more food then they ran around for another hour. By that time they were ready to go home so we loaded up the truck and headed home. Once there it was outside for the kids while I got supper ready. It was steak, mashed potato's and corn. Serenity was the first one done out of the two kids which was a first for her. Now we are sitting her watching Sleeping Beauty then it is off to bed. Tomorrow bring us to Aunt Shirley's and G-Force with cousin Chelsea. So for not I say good night and talk to you tomorrow.
Auntie Diane
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Day 2 Underwater Adventures and in House Ones
Well today started with the kids waking me up at 8:30 and me going back to sleep until 9:00. Once we were all up and about I suggested that I make biscuit's and gravy. Yum yum! We sat out on the deck and had breakfast out there. They even said it was better than their dads, sorry Joe. While we were eating I had decided to suggest we go to the Mall of America and from there Underwater Adventure. On the walk to the entrance we ran into Blue so the kids had to take a picture with him.
So once we go into the park it was off to see sharks and turtles and alligators and sea horses and crabs. The kids like it so much we had to go through twice.
After the many hours spent there we decided to head home to where we found all sorts of adventures there. While they played out in the back yard I made sandwiches and salad for lunch. I was so tired from all the late night and the long morning I took little cat naps while they ate. After lunch it was time to play outside while Auntie did dishes and worked on other things such as setting up for cupcakes. Watching those two do wind ups and trying to loosen up was so fun. I wish I'd had a camcorder so you could see all the funny things they did. In between bowling and baseball they decided to play keep out of the house. My screen door on the sun room has been sticking but you can always open it just not very fast. Anyway while playing keep out, which only lasted one turn, Serenity slammed the screen shut and when Logan yanked it open the screen fell off. The look on those two faces was priceless. I told them it wasn't there fault but no more horsing around.
After making cupcakes, which was a messy experience that the kids enjoyed it was time to start dinner which for tonight was pizza and pizza rolls. I had just put them in the oven when Serenity started calling out for me from the bathroom. The door was stuck or something and she couldn't get out. Well Logan only and hour ago had gotten stuck in there but he had turned the lock on the door. OK I am thinking that the lock is on again and she just has to unlock it. Nope that wasn't it so I tried to turn the lock with the catch on the outside, that was when I realized that the locking mechanism was not officially broken. I couldn't help it I started to laugh. Needless to say Serenity did NOT find it funny. She was getting pretty pissed off
Well hell I thought maybe I can get it open by just pushing really hard or other things, nope nothing worked. So the only thing I could think of was to call my landlady Sharon and see if she had any ideas. She ended up sending her brother in law who was able to take off the trim to get to the slider. While he worked on that Serenity was able to use a screw driver and get the screws out of the doorknob. After about 45 min of being trapped in the bathroom the got her out. Yeah!! She was still a little angry that I had told her father about what had happened. Once they had left it was time for cold pizza, pizza rolls and Beverly Hills Chihuahua.
Serenity watching the movie
After the movie it was time for one cupcake and bed. Being that tomorrow was bound to be a busy day getting them into bed around 9:30 seemed like a good idea. While I just cam back from the third trip downstairs when I had to have an in depth discussion about all the loved ones that had died and were still with us in our hearts. It was a touching moment that lasted for almost 20 mins. Now they are all cried out and exhausted and sleeping. Tomorrow plans to be more of the same, I only hope that nothing gets broken tomorrow.
Good Night
Auntie Diane
Monday, July 27, 2009
Day 1 Hanging out at Auntie's
Well last night after they got settled down I came and did the blogging thing. Went well but I stayed up until 2 in the morning. Big time suck. So I probable woke up two or three times to and elbow in the eye and knee in the back and then Serenity, who has been doing all this other stuff, did some screwdriver thing in my back this morning. Need less to say I have to sleep on my left side, which I am not very fond of doing for the rest of the week. So I guess I can officially say I have the kids for the week!!!
Morning came bright and early for me at 8:00, still I played possum for about a half hour before I gave in and got up with them this morning. Being that there wasn't anything really planned for the day we decided to veg out to Ice Age The Meltdown for breakfast. As you can see they were thrilled.
So once that was almost over and the kids were dressed we had to head out to a Super Target for groceries which is always a thriller. Being that they say they eat everything and then when it comes time to eat it they tell you that they don't like that, at least that is what they did to me last year I thought I would have gotten better at it. Nope still bought thing that I am not sure they will eat. Oh well looks like I will have food for next week.
After Target, where the kids refused to pay thanks mom and dad, we had to head to a Dollar Store for toothbrushes and toothpaste, thanks mom and dad. Being the great aunt that I am they got to pick out one toy for themselves. Logan is the new Lawman in town with a badge hatchet and crowbar and Serenity got hair extensions. Don't worry it is just a head band with orange hair braided in.
After we got home and the groceries were all unpacked We decided to head to the local park with a picnic lunch and eat there being that it was such a nice day. So with sandwiched, chips and fruit we head there ready to enjoy the day.
After lunch it was off to the park where they climbed, swung, spun and balanced their way to fun. The park was new from last years so it was like a whole new experience for them. Logan was a little leery for the one at first but my the end we couldn't keep him off of it.
Once this thing got going it couldn't be stopped.
This next thing was fun for them every time but they didn't make it so the kids could slide from bath sides. I had to send it back every time or push them back on it. After the first 50 or so I was pretty much done. But being the great aunt that I am I only rested a few times in between each child.
This next one was like an up-side down wheel, they loved it and so did I. All I had to do was watch them spin and occasionally give them a push. They would spin so fast that their legs would hit the sides sometimes.
After awhile I pulled out the bottles of bubbles that I had got for them. They went around the playground happily blowing their bubbles and having a fun time.
Gotta love sidewalk paint and chalk, they now have stencils and sponges and all sorts of thing to do with your sidewalks. Sharon's son Kevin, said when he saw the work,"Diane must have the kids for the week again.
They were a little miffed that I wouldn't sit out there with them and paint but I had a surprise I had to get ready for them and you all know how hard it is to do something all on the lines of filling a few dozen water balloons can be with two very impatient kids. So once I had the tote filled it was time to race and get your swimsuits on in order to have a WATER BALLOON FIGHT!!!
Logan with the windup.
Breaking them on the head worked best
or on the back
After filling the tote one More time it was time for the towels, ice tea, and nice warm baths.
Well Shawn came over for an hour so the kids got to see him then it was a Brats movie and bed. They went down really well. No issues at all so now once I finish up with this it is shower and bed time for me as well. Tomorrow is a no plan day also so we shall see where we end up.
Good Night!
Auntie Diane
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